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Rachel Salas


My son, Rudy, died on July 27, 2011 on his way home from work. He was my only son and, and I miss him more than words can ever express. I'm ready to share my family's journey of grief and the path to begin healing. 

Rachel Salas


I was born into this world with a best friend waiting for me, Rudy my only sibling. He was my companion in life, and there was no me without him. Our family wants to support & uplift other families who have been forced into this club. 

5 Stages to the path of healing after the death of a child/sibling

The day Rudy passed away was a day that not only changed our lives forever, but changed our family dynamic as well. We had to learn how to live a life without him here in the physical world and accept that our new lives involved him only in the spiritual world. We have learned how to live with the pain, and through our journey, we've created 5 stages to the path of healing after the death of a child/sibling. We want to share them with you in hope that you will begin the journey of survival after your loss.

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